Benefits of sharing your garden

Gardens can be great for the environment and for wildlife – and they’re good for people too

Gardening is a rewarding and fulfilling activity that provides a wide range of benefits for individuals, communities, and the environment. Here are some of the key benefits of gardening:

Half an hour gardening burns as many calories as some sports

Benefits to you

  • Save money on food shopping
  • Growing your own really is worthwhile: you’ll have plenty of fruit and veg
  • Have fun and connect with a neighbour
  • Gardening can help to keep you fit and healthy
  • Reduce food waste by only picking fresh what you need
"We share ideas, tips, seeds, cuttings and apples - and the grass and hedge cutting, as well as our shared moans and delights with the weather and our horticulture failures and successes"
Sarah Layland
On the benefits of a shared garden arrangement at Pure Moves a pilates and wellness centre in Frome

Benefits to your garden

  • Having a tidy garden makes you feel good.
  • That great feeling that you are helping a neighbour.
  • Sharing in the growing and learning and hopefully if all goes well a harvest.

Safer streets: Cleaner, greener environments have been linked to lower crime rates and reduced anti-social behaviour

Benefits to the community

Benefits to the planet – find some useful tips from RHS below:

Benefits of sharing your garden

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Who are you?

I'm a frustrated gardener

Would you love to get gardening but don’t have access to a green space?

Frustrated Gardener

I have a wild garden

Do you have a garden or a green space that you would love to share with someone?